Co-founder of - Intelligent Recruiter Matching Platform
All posts by
Howard Sung

Hong Kong Salary Trends for 2023
In the past few years, Hong Kong has experienced a long period of economic stagnation due to a combination of factors such as the US-China trade war, the 2019-2020 social unrest, and the Covid-19 pandemic. This has caused companies to tighten their belts, leading to many layoffs and salary freezes over the past few years.

🥇Become a Top Recruiter on Findrecruiter in 2023!
For the past 3 years, we’ve witnessed and celebrated the success of agency recruiters in Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, and London. With real data and authentic user feedback, we are able to provide the spotlight to top-performing recruiters on a monthly basis.

Top Recruiters in Hong Kong and Asia 2022
As Asia’s largest community of recruiters, we pride ourselves in bringing the top recruiters across different disciplines for employers hiring in Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, and the rest of Asia.

If Elon Musk is full-time on recruitment, you should too.
Recruiting is a full-time commitment, and it never ends – new roles come up every day to cope with growth plans, and it feels like we can never hire fast enough. When it comes to talents, even Elon Musk is tweeting away for his venture – Neuralink.

#ReinventingRecruiters Series – Hiro Toyota
Hiro Toyota, a Kiwi-Japanese Hong Konger, got into recruitment after spending some years in the retail industry. He began his career in a Hong Kong-based recruitment firm founded and led by ex-Michael Page employees – KOS International.

#ReinventingRecruiters Series – Lany Sumardika
Similar to FindRecruiter, the firm had just set foot in Asia after growing successfully in Australia. After explaining our vision to Chris (the very progressive MD of Clarrow) and the team, we knew the synergy was there. He had a team of excellent recruiters and we had a lineup of employers who were looking for hire.

#ReinventingRecruiters Series – Iris Hui
Iris’ first encounter with the recruitment industry was with Ranstad, a global recruitment agency that has specialized lines of businesses. Given her background in tax and accounting from KPMG, the firm assigned her to the Accounting Recruitment team.
#ReinventingRecruiters series – what is Find Recruiter?
At Find Recruiter, we are obsessed with preserving the art of recruitment and challenging the status quo at the same time. We thought, what if recruiters didn’t need to spend so much time trying to develop their business, instead, focus their energy on what matters most – recruiting?
Looking back at 2021…
2021 was an interesting year, with new norms; we all seem to have adopted new work habits and are accustomed to some kind of chaos.

Find Recruiter receives its first-ever funding from WNJ
Find Recruiter is extremely excited to announce an official partnership with WNJ Ventures. For the past 3 years, Find Recruiter has been a bootstrapped venture with the mission to streamline the recruitment processes for companies via their collaborative platform between employers and specialist recruiters.

In-House vs. Agency Recruiting
There’s a myth that in-house recruitment is a lot more boring than external recruitment. You get less recognition; you’re treated as a paper-pusher; you can’t earn as much money. All of these CAN be true if you ALLOW it to be true.

Why do recruiters leave recruitment firms?
Recruiters encourage people to change jobs, so much that they also leave their jobs often – is this inevitable?

How to predict if my candidate will reject my offer
While we cannot force our candidates to take an offer, if we manage the process carefully, we can predict the likelihood of them accepting or declining one.

Find Recruiter is now part of Cyberport!
With the recent acceptance to Cyberport’s Incubation Program, we’re very excited to be adding aspiring startup’s to our line-up of employers and referring them to excellent recruiters.

Dealing with 300 Uber Drivers before Taking a Ride?!
Avoiding to sound rude, I knew I had to say it, “the platform would be a failure if I had to get 300 recruiters to work on your job.” I continued with my Americano in one hand, “you wouldn’t take 300 Uber rides to get from Point A to Point B, right?”

Don’t overlook these 3 things when hiring through a recruitment agency Scroll
Who wouldn’t want the help of an agency recruiter that can solve all their hiring needs? Surprisingly, a lot of companies prefer not to, even when they’ve got the money to spend!

Quick steps to apply for government subsidies for Hong Kong recruitment agencies
The surge of COVID-19 has affected the global economy and Hong Kong’s recruitment market has been hit deeply. As part of the business relief program, the Labour Department of Hong Kong has recently announced a one-time subsidy for all Employment Agencies registered in Hong Kong.

A True Candidate-Recruiter Partnership
Good recruiters connect you with opportunities; great recruiters create them for you.Hill Li, Merec Group, has always made it his goal to partner with his candidates from start to finish.

#FindSuccess: Can you imagine taking a pay cut on your first day of work?
As sales plummeted in March, the company was forced to go through a firmwide salary reduction. The news of the pay cut was released on Chok-Him candidate’s first day of work.

#FindSuccess: Dealing with Uncertainty
We had the pleasure of having Nick Chow from Maclean’s Recruitment to share how he dealt with uncertainty amid COVID-19. Thank you, Nick!

Why should you hire in December?
In my 10 years of recruitment experience, December has always proven to be the toughest time of the year to recruit. Issues like companies figuring out the next year’s budget; candidates waiting for their annual bonuses; festivities and upcoming holidays all play a part in why it’s ultra-difficult to hire the right people.

3 Steps to Setting Up Your Recruitment Firm in Hong Kong
As more clients move onto using boutique recruitment firms, more consultants are considering to start their own recruitment firms.Lucky for recruiters in Hong Kong, it is relatively easy to start your own firm. Here are a quick guide to help you get set up easily.

Find Trusted Recruiters Based on Data
Why is it important to find recruiters based on data? No-one can seem to remember the last time they purchased something blindly. That is, confirming a purchase without any prior research on the product, restaurant or holiday destination. This is how data has transformed our daily lives – it solidifies judgments and decisions we make – the what, where, when, how, but can it help with the who?

3 Things you need to know when engaging with recruiters
Is this your first time trying to hire with the use of recruiters? Are you traumatized by a bad experience when dealing with recruiters?Using external recruiters definitely has its benefits, but if you’re not careful, the whole experience can scar you…

How I didn’t land my dream job
…and why it was ok! Given my career background in recruitment, I’ve recently received a few queries about job hunting and graduate opportunities. Although I don’t actively recruit anymore, I hope this post can help those who are looking for advice on your first-ever job search!

My Very First Post!
Of course, this is going to be about entrepreneurship — why not?I’ve co-founded 2 companies (Surge & FindRecruiter) within the past 18 months, it seems only suiting to have my first post about a topic that is so close to my life.