Find Recruiter is now part of Cyberport!

January 27, 2023

Find Recruiter is now part of Cyberport!

As ex-recruiters, we always sought for effective ways to connect with clients – referrals, LinkedIn, cold-calling. And since the beginning of 2018, we have been striving to build a solution for recruiters to win clients easily. In the past year alone, recruiters have earned millions in commissions on Find Recruiter.

With the recent acceptance to Cyberport’s Incubation Program, we’re very excited to be adding aspiring startup’s to our line-up of employers and referring them to excellent recruiters.

If you’re interested in learning more about us and how we may supercharge your recruitment business, please feel free to reach out to us via

Howard Sung

Co-founder of - Intelligent Recruiter Matching Platform

Further Reading

Why do recruiters leave recruitment firms?

Recruiters encourage people to change jobs, so much that they also leave their jobs often – is this inevitable?
Howard Sung
August 19, 2021

How to Work and Hire with Recruiters Effortlessly using Milestone.

Milestone is a cornerstone feature that makes working with recruiters easier than ever. The dashboard gives you a quick overview of all the candidates you receive from every recruiter. They’re intelligently categorised into different columns for the different stages in a recruitment pipeline, so you can easily pick up from where you left off.
Ted Kuo
June 1, 2020

Looking back at 2021…

2021 was an interesting year, with new norms; we all seem to have adopted new work habits and are accustomed to some kind of chaos.
Howard Sung
December 31, 2021