#ReinventingRecruiters series – what is Find Recruiter?
Borrowing the idea of #InventingAnna and its possible sequel #ReinventingAnna, we decided to coin our video series #ReInventingRecruiters. Instead of inventing Con Artists, we are reinventing recruiters and, on a larger scale, how recruitment should be done.
Recruitment is a traditional industry, many firms are close to a century-old (Adecco was founded in 1957, Robert Half in 1948.) When many of our market leaders are 100 years old, it’s no wonder our ways of doing things can seem dated, inefficient.
The beauty of recruitment has always been around who you know. What clients you know, which candidates you know, determine how successful you will be as a recruiter. This is why recruiters spend most of their time speaking with prospective employers (Business Development) and potential candidates (Recruitment).
On average, a recruiter could spend up to 50% of their time trying to develop new clients through cold calling, emailing, and attending events. That is about 5 hours per day, 2.5 days per week, 2 weeks per month, or 6 months per year.
At Find Recruiter, we are obsessed with preserving the art of recruitment and challenging the status quo at the same time. We thought, what if recruiters didn’t need to spend so much time trying to develop their business, instead, focus their energy on what matters most – recruiting?
The results are encouraging, since our launch, we’ve seen a steady increase in productivity and accuracy. We looked deep into the hard work of each recruiter and designed tools to make their lives easier. As more recruiters join us across Asia and the rest of the world, we will continue to dedicate our efforts to modernizing recruitment.
Want to know more about us? Here’s what our users say about us:

Co-founder of FindRecruiter.com - Intelligent Recruiter Matching Platform
Further Reading