A True Candidate-Recruiter Partnership

January 27, 2023

Good recruiters connect you with opportunities; great recruiters create them for you.

Hill Li, Merec Group, has always made it his goal to partner with his candidates from start to finish.  

2020 had been a tough start for Hill with a lot of job assignments being on hold due to COVID19.  He recalled being introduced to a candidate who had recently lost his job. The candidate was expecting a baby in a few month’s time and this could not have been a worse time to be unemployed. Hill, being a recent father, related to his panic and distress.

After a full consultation with the candidate, Hill made it his mission to get the candidate back to work as soon as possible. Within 2 days and more than 30 introductions, Hill and his team secured a few interviews for the candidate. Throughout the process, they worked together and eventually got a desirable offer.

Amid COVID19, this process reminded Hill why he works as a recruiter: “intrinsic rewards definitely outweigh the financial ones”. He can never forget the gratitude of the candidate when the offer was presented.

For more recruiters like Hill, please visit FindRecruiter.com/recruiter-connect

Howard Sung

Co-founder of FindRecruiter.com - Intelligent Recruiter Matching Platform

Further Reading

Dealing with 300 Uber Drivers before Taking a Ride?!

Avoiding to sound rude, I knew I had to say it, “the platform would be a failure if I had to get 300 recruiters to work on your job.” I continued with my Americano in one hand, “you wouldn’t take 300 Uber rides to get from Point A to Point B, right?”
Howard Sung
August 20, 2020

Find Recruiter receives its first-ever funding from WNJ

Find Recruiter is extremely excited to announce an official partnership with WNJ Ventures. For the past 3 years, Find Recruiter has been a bootstrapped venture with the mission to streamline the recruitment processes for companies via their collaborative platform between employers and specialist recruiters.
Howard Sung
September 13, 2021

Recruiters' Go-to Coffee Shops in Hong Kong

The tech team at Find Recruiter has been quietly working away brewing up nice news feature for you. Make yourself a cup of coffee ☕ and find yourself a comfortable spot 🏖️ Let us take you through some of the highlights!
Emily Chan
February 13, 2023