#FindSuccess: Can you imagine taking a pay cut on your first day of work?

January 27, 2023

As sales plummeted in March, the company was forced to go through a firmwide salary reduction. The news of the pay cut was released on Chok-Him candidate’s first day of work.

Given his strong rapport with the candidate, Chok-Him advised the client to let him bring the unfortunate news to her. Although a difficult conversation, the candidate was glad Chok-Him took the initiative to let her know firsthand. While he could have avoided the responsibility of being the bearer of bad news, he didn’t, and instead took it head-on.

In the end, the candidate decided to stay on the job. This entire experience helped Chok-Him strengthen his relationship with both the candidate and client, as they really appreciated Chok-Him’s integrity and can-do attitude.

Howard Sung

Co-founder of FindRecruiter.com - Intelligent Recruiter Matching Platform

Further Reading

Introducing Our New Homepage

Introducing… the first major revision to our homepage! In the last 3 months, we’ve listened carefully to the feedback of dozens of recruiters and employers. Based on what you’ve told us, we have finally renewed our homepage to encapsulate the unique benefit of recruiting with Find Recruiter concisely: Find Recruiter enables you to hire in days, not weeks.
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Human Resources, we have a problem: Your Time-to-Fill is longer than EVER.

47 days – that’s the time it takes for most businesses today to fill a job opening. Just think about that for a moment. It takes more time for businesses to make a single hire than it takes NASA to send astronauts 85 million km away to Mercury or for Hollywood to shoot an entire movie.
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