What’s New? | Product Update, 22 Mar 2023

January 27, 2023

Manage your e-mail notifications and streamline activity updates on Find Recruiter

Recruitment is a team sport where you constantly streamline new activities with hiring managers or other HR colleagues. We’ve made it easier to do so on Find Recruiter.

Let’s say for example you want the hiring manager to immediately schedule a technical interview once the HR phone screen is complete. With our latest Notification feature, your hiring manager will be e-mail alerted automatically once your phone screen is complete. This works for other activities as well such as new candidates, new interviews or messages from recruiters. With shorter gaps between stages, your team can be more in-sync and faster turnaround time.

This is an essential feature that allows you to manage notifications and only receive e-mails that are meaningful to you.

Note that Jobs Owners (original job poster) will always receive every e-mail notification for that job, regardless of notification settings. This ensures each job gets the necessary attention and communication does not become a bottleneck for getting the role filled.

Quick Search to Find Your Job or Candidate

Many of you take on hiring responsibilities in addition to your daily work. Therefore, you need to be able to get things done quickly. Thanks to your feedback, you can now search and go to a candidate's profile in under three clicks.

Thanks for reading. Happy Hiring!

Ted Kuo

The tech guy behind Find Recruiter. Let's build a thriving recruitment community together.

Further Reading

Find Trusted Recruiters Based on Data

Why is it important to find recruiters based on data? No-one can seem to remember the last time they purchased something blindly. That is, confirming a purchase without any prior research on the product, restaurant or holiday destination. This is how data has transformed our daily lives – it solidifies judgments and decisions we make – the what, where, when, how, but can it help with the who?
Howard Sung
September 11, 2019

A True Candidate-Recruiter Partnership

Good recruiters connect you with opportunities; great recruiters create them for you.Hill Li, Merec Group, has always made it his goal to partner with his candidates from start to finish.
Howard Sung
May 13, 2020

[Hong Kong] Talent Acquisition Strategy for 2023

With talents becoming more scarce, Talent Acquisition teams have assumed a much larger role to impact the business.
Vivian Xiang
November 11, 2022