JobsDB x FindRecruiter

January 27, 2023

Partnership Announcement!

Find Recruiter is proud to partner up with JobsDB to bring you more clients, more jobs and millions more in potential fees.

As Hong Kong rebounds from the impacts of the pandemic, more businesses than ever are feeling the talent shortage pinch and now ready to turn to recruitment agencies for help. JobsDB has engaged some of these businesses from their database of 200,000+ clients and moving forward, they will be bringing you these determined clients and their fee-based jobs exclusively on Find Recruiter.

We’re really excited about this partnership because not only does it open up millions in potential fees for our recruiter community but it also opens up a tremendous opportunity for recruiters like you to be discovered and really get the recognition that you deserve.

What you need to know is that these jobs will be managed directly by the JobsDB team. As facilitators, they will bridge clients and recruiters together meanwhile respond to any enquiries directly through the platform. If this is interesting, feel free to reach out to Emily Chan, our Recruiter Success Lead to learn more.

To above & beyond!

Lawton Lai

ex-recruiter turned HR tech innovator.

Further Reading

Covid-19: An open letter to all those who are affected

Losing your job during COVID-19 is scary and stressful. To help those affected get back to work asap, we’ve released Recruiter Connect, a site that matches job seekers with the right recruiters.
Ted Kuo
April 17, 2020

#ReinventingRecruiters series – what is Find Recruiter?

At Find Recruiter, we are obsessed with preserving the art of recruitment and challenging the status quo at the same time. We thought, what if recruiters didn’t need to spend so much time trying to develop their business, instead, focus their energy on what matters most – recruiting?
Howard Sung
March 23, 2022

My First 2 Weeks Experience Working with Find Recruiter

Today marks my second week working at Find Recruiter. I remember, when I first learned about this start-up, I was immediately attracted by its cool concept of leveraging a large network of specialist recruiters in the market and matching them to roles they are experienced in filling.
Vivian Xiang
December 15, 2021