Introducing Our New Homepage

January 27, 2023

Introducing… the first major revision to our homepage! In the last 3 months, we’ve listened carefully to the feedback of dozens of recruiters and employers. Based on what you’ve told us, we have finally renewed our homepage to encapsulate the unique benefit of recruiting with Find Recruiter concisely: Find Recruiter enables you to hire in days, not weeks.

Our Recruiter Community all-at-a-glance

Our Recruiter Community is what makes us proud and it’s definitely something we want to show off. That’s why on the second fold of our homepage, we showcase our recruiters from different specialisations, and industries. They are all accessible for your viewing pleasure just within one click on the tabs. In case you’d like to look up more recruiters in detail, you can do an extensive search on Recruiter Connect to find the best fitting recruiters for your needs.

Featured Recruiters from different industries and specialisations
Featured Recruiters from different background and specialisations

You Are Only 3 Steps Away From Your Candidates

Our mission is that you can hire effortlessly. As such, we are continuously improving the user experience (UX) of our platform to provide you the most rewarding and premium recruitment experience. Along with this homepage revamp, we have updated our 3 Easy Steps so you can get a better idea of how easy it is to get started on Find Recruiter.

3 steps to start with Find Recruiter

At Find Recruiter, we continuously improve our recruitment platform to make recruitment better. Please do share with us your feedback so we can make recruitment better together.

Ted Kuo

The tech guy behind Find Recruiter. Let's build a thriving recruitment community together.

Further Reading

Top 10 Recruiters For Sales & Marketing Jobs in Hong Kong

Whether you’re someone actively seeking new opportunities or passively exploring, it’s always a good idea to team up with well-connected recruiters who can keep you in the loop of hidden Sales & Marketing jobs that aren’t available on public job boards like JobsDB and cpjobs.
Lawton Lai
April 27, 2020

3 Steps to Setting Up Your Recruitment Firm in Hong Kong

As more clients move onto using boutique recruitment firms, more consultants are considering to start their own recruitment firms.Lucky for recruiters in Hong Kong, it is relatively easy to start your own firm. Here are a quick guide to help you get set up easily.
Howard Sung
October 15, 2019

#ReinventingRecruiters Series – Iris Hui

Iris’ first encounter with the recruitment industry was with Ranstad, a global recruitment agency that has specialized lines of businesses. Given her background in tax and accounting from KPMG, the firm assigned her to the Accounting Recruitment team.
Howard Sung
March 29, 2022