Covid-19: An open letter to all those who are affected

January 27, 2023

To our recruiter community, friends and readers,

Losing your job during COVID-19 is scary and stressful. To help those affected get back to work asap, we’ve released Recruiter Connect, a site that matches job seekers with the right recruiters.

Try Recruiter Connect

Team up with the right recruiters

If you or your colleagues are navigating a job search right now, we encourage you to team up with the right recruiters. Our community has almost 300 specialist recruiters that cover functions like IT, Sales & Marketing, Finance & Accounting, HR, Insurance, Legal, Building & Construction, Supply Chain, Architecture and 20+ others.

We want to thank all the recruitment professionals who are working tirelessly to help those affected during these uncertain times. Salute!

Ted Kuo

The tech guy behind Find Recruiter. Let's build a thriving recruitment community together.

Further Reading

In-House vs. Agency Recruiting

There’s a myth that in-house recruitment is a lot more boring than external recruitment. You get less recognition; you’re treated as a paper-pusher; you can’t earn as much money. All of these CAN be true if you ALLOW it to be true.
Howard Sung
September 7, 2021

Human Resources, we have a problem: Your Time-to-Fill is longer than EVER.

47 days – that’s the time it takes for most businesses today to fill a job opening. Just think about that for a moment. It takes more time for businesses to make a single hire than it takes NASA to send astronauts 85 million km away to Mercury or for Hollywood to shoot an entire movie.
Lawton Lai
July 2, 2020

If Elon Musk is full-time on recruitment, you should too.

Recruiting is a full-time commitment, and it never ends – new roles come up every day to cope with growth plans, and it feels like we can never hire fast enough. When it comes to talents, even Elon Musk is tweeting away for his venture – Neuralink.
Howard Sung
May 18, 2022